I teach english to children. It's kind of challenging, but REALLY fun!
This is my school.
I also teach a woman named Valia, who works for ILP and speaks a little bit of english. She's super awesome!
I wish I had pictures of my kids to post on here!
The other day we toured around the city center. We saw some awesome stuff!
I also went to a ballet...it was BEAUTIFUL! I'm going again this weekend, to see The Nutcracker. :)
I have so much to blog about, but I honestly have no desire to do that right now.
I LOVE IT HERE! I miss home, or rather, I miss the people back home. Already I consider Kiev my home! I've adjusted quite nicely to the culture. :) I never had culture shock. Maybe it's because my host family is so wonderful, and because my roommate is one of my good friends from Grantsville (we were roommates down at SUU as well. We just can't escape each other!)
Life is wonderful!